Anonymous ID: 817af6 March 18, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.5756379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6435

A dedicated anon's perspective on the whole Q Operation:


So, not being someone that does a ton of Q decodes, I basically lurk and observe (when I'm not running my fingers on the keyboard and cursing people out). This WHOLE Q thing is to take down the Breitbart/Infowars Controlled OP media narrative. There really aren't riots and people really could care less about people being gay, etc… False flags don't really happen, but this whole thing is set up by (them) to incite the narrative and get people emotionally thinking backwards. Nobody cares if a person is gay, but if we make pedogate a thing and then we try to push it to connect to LGBT, then we'll make people start looking at gay people differently. If we pay people to protest, get them to say that they're not treated right as women, or hate Trump, we can get more people to associate with the false victim class and jump on board. Every damn Q post is designed to destroy their narratives! It has nothing to do with taking down bloodlines, etc… that's just following money. That part is already being done - we can't do that, but we CAN point out what these fucking fakes are doing and how it's impacting people's beliefs! Mockingbird controlled OP media! This is fucking brilliant. It makes reading the Q posts SOOO much easier. And it really makes our task so much more focused now that we know what we're looking at. We've been reading posts with emphasis on different words, instead of reading them with the correct definition of the words. For instance "Soros takes orders from P" Soros takes orders from Posobiec - as in Posobiec calls him up, says I need a busload of Antifa for Seattle, a busload of Nazi's for Portland" etc.. EVERY ONE of these FAKEMAGA and PAYTRIOT accounts is connected - they introduce one another, start on each others shows. The goal: making money and sowing discord to keep their narrative and the money flowing. White people don't hate black people. But making black people think they're victims (MSM), and then controlled OP pushing that it's white people that are the victims, makes a bunch of people start resenting the other bunch, just because of how they personally identify.


This is why Q and POTUS are pointing laser beams at the shit stains of society - one post & tweet at a time.