Too bad the "god" that wins is the demonic jewish one
If you actually look at what Q posts and not at his or her larping about arresting the deep state
Q sounds strikingly similar to most neocons
And george w bush
Remember goyim israel can do whatever they want
But you?
You must mass import 3rd worlders and let your culture be erased
Who cares if all your grandkids are muslim
Why would trump get rid of a distraction thst keeps his base from realizing that hes a zionist neocon
It also distracts the liberals with muh impeachment
It would be like getting rid of Q
Even if this shit is fake trump has interest in keeping his supporters delusional
Tell that to Q
His or her
Psyop gets weaker by the day
Potus has lost anyone with a brain as his supporter
If they wanna be crowned king of the illuminati they better step it up
>i have to make up words to keep me in denial that trump is a zionist gangster when he publically sucks off israel as many chances as he can
I choose you going back to reddit along with Q and the rest of your little psyop cult
Why my life daniel
Why me
Fucking kike
>my army of shills can ip to fake consesus
>in reality nobody believes in Qs larp and are preparing for the end or playing fortnite or working
Look a fake shill guide book
Omg must be real
Potus s own words are fake
And ivanka and jared dont exist
>>>5756708 (You)
>We can do this all day fake Q
>Hell i don't even read your bullshit.
>I just respond so you can earn your shekel
I dont get paid
I really hate Q
Q is a larp
Get your life back anon before its too late
I made that mistake