Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.5757380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>7496 >>7594 >>7794 >>7958 >>7978 >>7986 >>8041

DHS Nielsen: Border Security Is ‘Near System-Wide Meltdown’


Border security is collapsing because the cartels and migrants are exploiting Congress’ refusal to close loopholes through the border, homeland secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Monday morning.


“The situation at our Southern Border has gone from a crisis, to a national emergency, to a near system-wide meltdown,” Nielsen said at Auburn University’s Center for Cyber & Homeland Security. Her prepared speech said:


There is no more fundamental responsibility for a nation. And yet, the American people have been let down by our government again…and again. I want to cut through the politics to tell you loud and clear: there is NO “manufactured” crisis at our Southern Border. There is a real-life humanitarian and security catastrophe. Late last year, we were apprehending 50,000 – 60,000 migrants a month. Last month, we apprehended more than 75,000—the highest in over a decade. And today I can tell you that we are on track to interdict nearly 100,000 migrants this month …


I say this with the utmost sincerity and urgency: the system is breaking. And our communities, our law enforcement personnel, and the migrants themselves are paying the price.


Congress needs to fix the problem, she said:


Because of outdated laws, misguided court decisions, and a massive backlog of cases, we are usually forced to release these groups into the United States. And we have virtually no hope of removing them in the future, despite the fact that the vast majority who apply for asylum do not qualify for it.



Our laws aren’t keeping up with the migrant flows, and until they are fixed, the situation will only get worse and more heartbreaking. We need Congress to stop playing politics and do what’s right.


We need Congress to change the law to allow us to keep families together throughout the immigration process … to ensure the safe and prompt return of unaccompanied children to their home countries … and to reverse the court ruling that directs dangerous criminals to be released into our communities.


This a complex and emotional issue. But no matter what side of the aisle you are on, we have common cause: to uphold our sovereign responsibility to secure our borders; to facilitate legal trade and travel; to prevent drugs from poisoning our communities, and to help vulnerable populations – all at the same time.


However, Democrats have united to block any legal reforms that would slow the migration of poor migrants across the border — and GOP legislators have declined to get changes either by inflicting political pain on Democrats or by making political compromises with Democrats.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.5757403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7416 >>7534

Complete failure at Oroville Dam


The $1.1 billion spent to repair Oroville Dam is failing as water is seeping through the rebuilt spillway threatens new mass evacuations over the risk of the dam collapsing.


According to national dam expert Scott Cahill of Watershed Services of Ohio, Oroville Dam is on the same failure track as in 2017, with visible water seepage trickling from the foot of the dam and dozens of points along the dam's principal spillway. Cahill warns that warming temperatures magnified by precipitation is a growing threat to the dam.


American Thinker reported on March 1 that the Sierra snow pack was at a record 113 inches, but another 44 inches fell in the next 10 days. With temperatures spiking this week to 75 degrees in the valleys and 41 degrees in the high mountains, dam inflows are running twice the outflows, and the water levels rose from 800 to 839 feet.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.5757426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>7594 >>7794 >>7958 >>8041

Newark mayor declares support for universal basic income, hopes to test it — but has no plan to fund it


'The problems we have belong to all of us'


The mayor of the largest city in New Jersey announced recently his plan to explore the possibility of universal basic income for all residents, WNYW-TV reported.


Newark Mayor Ras Baraka said last Tuesday that he would be creating a task force and pilot program to determine whether or not the plan would be feasible for the city of 280,000.


"We believe in universal basic income, especially in a time where studies have shown that families that have a crisis of just $400 in a month may experience a setback that may be difficult, even impossible, to recover from," Baraka said, according to WNYW.


Baraka, who made the announcement during his State of the City address at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, didn't provide further details on how the city would fund such a program.


Universal basic income typically provides a guaranteed monthly income to residents regardless of their employment status.

What else did the mayor say?


The mayor reportedly touted the city's economic progress just before announcing his plan to explore universal basic income.


"The problems we have belong to all of us, not just a few of us so the solutions must be collective and not individual," Baraka said, according to Fox News.


About one-third of the city's residents are living in poverty, he added.

What other cities have explored basic income?


Last month, Stockton, California, launched its 18-month universal basic income pilot program. In February, 100 residents began receiving $500 a month with no strings attached.


In July, city officials in Chicago formed a task force that has since recommended an 18-month test that would provide $1,000 a month to 1,000 participants.


"It is time for cities like Chicago to lead a national dialogue on income inequality, and in part of that, recognize that there is a coming storm," Alderman Ameya Pawar told WBEZ-FM. "This sort of confluence of student loans, a lack of affordable housing, and the cost of child care is … impacting people from the upper middle class all the way down to the working poor. And that is something we're not talking about."

Has it worked in other countries?


A pilot program in Ontario, Canada, was ditched after lawmakers determined it wasn't sustainable.


"It was certainly not going to be sustainable. Spending more money on a broken program wasn't going to help anyone," Lisa MacLeod, the Ontario minister responsible for social services, said in July.


Similarly, Finland ended its two-year experiment that gave 2,000 unemployed citizens about $650 per month with no strings attached and no requirement to gain employment.


A preliminary report issued last month showed that those who received the monthly stipend were no more likely to gain employment than those who were part of the control group and didn't receive the basic income.


"On the basis of an analysis of register data on an annual level, we can say that during the first year of the experiment the recipients of a basic income were no better or worse than the control group at finding employment in the open labor market," said Ohto Kanninen, research coordinator at the Labour Institute for Economic Research, according to Bloomberg.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.5757480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. envoy to Germany: U.N. Human Rights Council is antisemitic


“To pass resolution after resolution against Israel while ignoring China, Russia or Cuba is a horrendous hypocrisy,” U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said at a protest outside the UNHRC.


To apply one standard to Israel, and another to the rest of the world – as the UN Human Rights Council does – is to be antisemitic, US Ambassador to German Richard Grenell said Monday in Geneva.


Grenell was speaking at a protest against UN bias against Israel held in Geneva outside the UN Human Rights Council as it debated alleged Israeli abuses. The rally was organized by UN Watch.


“To pass resolution after resolution against Israel while ignoring China, Russia or Cuba is a horrendous hypocrisy,” Grenell said.


Grenell said that “it speaks to the integrity of the Human rights Council that we already know what the decision will be even before the vote,” he said. “It speaks to the sincerity of the Human Rights Council that its agenda is determined by those who respect its mandate the least.”


The US ambassador bewailed the fact that among those deciding whether Israel is violating human rights “are representatives from absolute monarchies, one-party states and military dictatorships.” He also took the UNHRC to task for making a debate on human rights in Israel a permanent feature at every council session.


That the UNHRC “not only singles out Israel, but it does so on a permanent basis,” and that it believes “that a single country and a single people merits such attention on a permanent basis,” is also antisemitism, he said.


“This is not just a sign of bigotry, this is a sign of intellectual and moral decay –an institution whose entire world view is dominated by the fear and fantasy of Jewish criminality,” he said. “It has lost the ability to be rational, to understand cause and effect and to make positive change. “


Former Israeli ambassador to the UN Dore Gold told the crowd that what is happening at the UNHRC is nothing new, and that he experienced the same bias against Israel from his first day as ambassador to the UN in 1997.


“How can anybody take the UN seriously when it has shown that when it comes to Israel its reports have been highly politicized and seriously flawed?” he said. “How can anybody take the UN seriously when it has shown that when it comes to Israel its reports have been highly politicized and seriously flawed? Is anyone protecting the human rights of Israeli farmers whose fields are regularly set ablaze by Hamas incendiary weapons?”

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.5757504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7594 >>7794 >>7958 >>8041

In America Truth Is On The Ropes


Morris Dees, founder and director of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an element of the Israel Lobby that smears and demeans truth-tellers, was fired. The article reporting Dees’ removal speculates that he was fired for sexual harassment. More likely he was fired for having to pay out $60 million of the SPLC’s $500,000,000 endowment to settle defamation lawsuits.


Ask yourself how is it that an organization committed to smearing people has an endowment of a half billion dollars and not the Institute for Political Economy that focuses on providing truthful information that is contrary to official explanations. Clearly, there is far more money available for “hit man” organizations dedicated to destroying truth tellers than there is for the targets of such organizations.


If truth tellers criticize Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, the truth tellers are branded “anti-Semites.”


If truth tellers question official government explanations such as 9/11, they are branded “conspiracy theorists.”


If truth tellers correct the official lies that portray Russia as a dire threat to the United States and Russia’s President Putin as the “New Hitler,” they are branded “Russian agents,” and “Putin dupes.”


$500,000,000 is a huge endowment for a reputation-smearing organization operating in Montgomery, Alabama. Where did that money come from?


Why, in contrast, are organizations struggling to present facts and rational analysis operating on shoe strings?


The philanthropic foundations, which once supported information independent of government and private agendas, have been taken into the propaganda Matrix that has blinded Americans to the demise of their liberties. Every day another piece of America withers away. Soon there will be nothing left.


Readers need to understand that there is an infinite number of people worldwide who are devoid of all morality and all integrity. Their only concern is money, and they will do anything to get it. Many are paid to smear truth tellers on Internet sites that have comment sections and on Facebook and other social media. Entire websites, such as ProporNot, have been created in order to discredit truth tellers. Government agencies and special interests employ agents to spread propaganda via social media in order to create public support for overthrowing targeted governments such as Venezuela, Cuba, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran.


It is very expensive for a person to exercise the right of free speech for the purpose of telling the truth. But if you attack truth, you get a half billion dollar endowment.


In the United States the only hope for truth lies in the pocket book of ordinary people. If they do not support the alternative media websites that are dedicated to truth, truth will wither away with the country.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.5757553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let's Discuss Non-Violent Resistance


Communism has been

a fait accompli in the West

for some time.

Now the monster is emerging from the closet.

How do we react?


If you define Communism as a satanist central banker monopoly over everything, communism has been a fait accompli in the West for quite some time.


They control the corporations, government, media, universities, churches, military and justice system. They use Organized Jewry and Freemasonry. The only thing they don't control is the Internet and that is changing.


They do this because they have the government's credit card. They control the medium of exchange, credit and currency creation.


Credit is the lifeblood of society. Our lifeblood is poisoned. The only way to heal is for the government to create credit.


The most powerful forces in Western society are dedicated to destroying it. Isn't it obvious?


It's everywhere we look.


-The migrant and immigrant invasions designed to disenfranchise people of European descent.

-False flags like the recent attack on two NZ mosques designed to pit disarm whites and pit them against Muslims.

-A children's crusade against bogus "climate change" designed to institute Agenda 21.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.5757589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7778 >>7794 >>7958 >>8041

Pentagon Releases Secretive Military Intel Budget Request


The Pentagon has requested $22.95 billion for highly-classified military intelligence activities in fiscal year 2020, an increase of $2.25 billion over the previous year, the Defense Department said in a two-line statement Monday.


The nearly $23 billion for the Military Intelligence Program (MIP) includes funding divided between the Pentagon's base budget and the separate account for Overseas Contingency Operations, which is not subject to spending caps under the Budget Control Act. DoD gave no breakdown on how much intel money went to the base budget or to OCO.


"The department determined that releasing this top line figure does not jeopardize any classified activities within the MIP," the DoD statement said. "No other MIP budget figures or program details will be released, as they remain classified for national security reasons."


The huge increase in OCO funding, from $69 billion to $165 billion in the overall defense budget request of $750 billion submitted by the White House and the Pentagon last week, have already come under fire in Congress, which will have the ultimate say on the final shape of the defense budget. The OCO account is designed to fund warfighting overseas, but the lion’s share of the requested increase for next year is programmed to augment the base defense budget instead.


At a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee last Thursday, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan was repeatedly challenged on the OCO budget by Democrats, who charged that the administration was using "gimmicks" to get around the spending caps.


"What we're really talking about here is the establishment of a slush fund to hide what's happening with defense spending," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.


The request for nearly $23 billion for military intelligence continues an upward trend. Last year, the request was for $21.2 billion; $20.7 billion in fiscal 2018; and $16.8 billion in fiscal 2017, according to DoD figures.


According to the office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Military Intelligence Program is one of the two major components of the overall U.S. intelligence budget, which last year totaled $60.2 billion.


The other major component was the National Intelligence Program, which included "all programs, projects and activities of the intelligence community" such as the CIA, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office and other clandestine agencies, the DNI website said.


"The MIP is devoted to intelligence activity conducted by the military departments and agencies in the Department of Defense that support tactical U.S. military operations," the site said.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.5757642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7794 >>7958 >>8041

The Thoughts and Prayers from War-Mongers and Islamophobes Ring Hollow


Any calls for accountability for the Christchurch massacre should start with the powerful politicians who have created so much chaos in the Muslim world and beyond.


WASHINGTON — Following the horrific shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, statements of solidarity and sympathy have poured in from around the world, condemning the act and remembering the lives of the 50 people, including several children, who lost their lives.


Yet, not everyone expressing sympathy has been deemed sincere by those in mourning, as evidenced by the scandal surrounding the confrontation between Chelsea Clinton and two Muslim women that occurred following a vigil commemorating the Christchurch shooting. Clinton’s presence at the vigil was unwelcome according to the two women who confronted her, owing to her recent statements against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) following her criticism of the Israel lobby’s influence.


However, the attention focused on Chelsea Clinton’s confrontation has eclipsed the attention given to numerous U.S. politicians who also expressed solidarity with the Christchurch victims, despite having devoted much of their political careers to destroying Muslim-majority nations or stirring up Islamophobia, both of which helped to create the situation that led to Friday’s tragic shooting.


Hillary Clinton’s dubious breaking heart


While she didn’t attend a vigil in person like her daughter, former Secretary of State and former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to state that her “heart breaks for New Zealand and the global Muslim community. We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms.” Clinton then added “White supremacist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped.”

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.5757697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7734 >>7972

Blue-Collar Hero Joe Biden Is Actually Super-Duper Rich, A Bona Fide 1 Percenter


Joe Biden likes to call himself “Middle Class Joe,” but nowadays, he’s anything but that.


Biden is a bona fide member of the “1 Percent,” which according to the Economic Policy Institute means you make more than $421,926 a year.


” ‘Middle-Class Joe Biden has a $2.7 million vacation home. He charges more than $100,000 per speaking gig and has inked a book deal likely worth seven figures,” Politico wrote on Monday. “Since leaving office in 2017, the 76-year-old former vice president has watched his bank account swell as he continues to cultivate the image of a regular, Amtrak-riding guy. He’s repeatedly referred to himself as ‘Middle-Class Joe’ on the campaign trail and in speaking engagements as he publicly mulls whether to run for president.”


Biden has, of course, been on the public dole for nearly his entire life. A lawyer by trade, Biden worked in his field for only a couple years before running for a U.S. Senate seat in 1972, which he won. He was just 29 years old — and he’s been gobbling up taxpayer money ever since. He stayed in the Senate for 36 years, then moved into the vice president’s posh residence at Number One Observatory Circle in Washington, D.C.


The veep raked in some dough in D.C. The Bidens’ haul in 2015 was nearly $400,000, according to the White House.


Said Politico:


By the time he left the White House, he and his wife, Jill Biden, reported assets between $303,000 and $1 million, as well as liabilities between $560,000 and $1.2 million. During much of his time in office, Biden’s wife was a professor at Northern Virginia Community College, where she still teaches.


Biden’s finances changed sharply when he left office. He and Jill Biden signed a multi-book deal in early 2017. Russo, Biden’s spokesman, refused to disclose how much the deal is worth. But it’s likely in the “high seven figures,” said Keith Urbahn, a literary agent who specializes in political books and has represented the likes of former FBI Director James Comey and Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.


In June 2017, shortly after they inked the book deal, the Bidens purchased their vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., for $2.7 million.


Another house that Biden bought in Wilmington, Del., for $350,000 in 1996 is now worth almost $1.9 million, according to an estimate by the real estate website Zillow. The Bidens rent a third home in Virginia, near the community college where Jill Biden teaches. Russo would not say how much they pay in rent, if anything, or where it’s located.


Sounds a lit like Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic socialist from Vermont who also has three homes, including one on the water at Lake Champlain.


Biden also pulls in up to $200,000 for each speaking engagement (Politico reported he “charges a reduced rate for colleges and universities of $100,000”) and he’s recently been on a nationwide tour hawking his latest book.


But Biden will be running a campaign soon (very soon) for president, and he’ll travel the country pitching the idea that he’s a middle-class schlub just like all the rest of us. He’ll tell stories about the Finnegan family and his hardscrabble youth in Scranton, Pa. He won’t, of course, mention that he got deferments from being drafted into the Vietnam War (asthma, he says) or that he’s often chilling in a $2.7 million ocean side mansion. “The six-bedroom house (including three master bedrooms) features 5½ bathrooms, a gourmet kitchen, three indoor fireplaces, an elevator, golf cart, outdoor showers and ‘a doggy wash too,’ according to the listing,” reported Delaware Online.


Not bad for “Middle Class Joe.”

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.5757758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7794 >>7958 >>8041

Facebook Plans to Become World’s Biggest Central Bank?


Facebook is making its own digital currency and could become the largest bank in the world. Here’s why…


“Facebook is looking at pegging the value of its coin to a basket of different foreign currencies…held in Facebook bank accounts.”


— “Facebook and Telegram Are Hoping to Succeed Where Bitcoin Failed”, By Nathaniel Popper and Mike Isaac, The New York Times, Febraury 28, 2019


According to The New York Times (NYT), Facebook is creating its own cryptocurrency. It would be used on WhatsApp, which Facebook owns, to facilitate transactions between users.


Facebook’s move is clearly to counter the threat from up and coming messenging rivals Telegram and Signal. NYT said that the Facebook secret effort to build its own cryptocurrency “started last year after Telegram raised an eye-popping $1.7 billion to fund its cryptocurrency project”.


Between Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram, which Facebook owns, there are a collective 2.7 billion users. If Facebook decides to back the value of its own digital coin with a basket of foreign currencies, then it could potentially become the largest central bank in the world — because that’s what central banks do; print money backed by their country’s economy and foreign currency reserves.


Not only will this become monumental in world economic history, it is also going to become a serious and rapid threat for the existing giants of the finance industry.

Anonymous ID: 1beaba March 18, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.5757989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8008 >>8009 >>8041 >>8052

Andrew Yang, presidential candidate that came out of nowhere, pitches social credit scores for all Americans…


Why Is This Man Running for President?


Andrew Yang is not famous. Not yet, at least — maybe he will be someday. But let me tell you his story. He’s 44 years old; he was born in Schenectady, N.Y., a city long dominated by General Electric, the sort of company that had long dominated the American economy. But which, as you likely know, doesn’t anymore. Yang’s parents had both immigrated from Taiwan, and met in grad school. His mother became a systems administrator and his father did research at I.B.M.; he got his name on 69 patents. Their son Andrew studied economics and political science at Brown, got a law degree at Columbia, and ultimately became a successful entrepreneur, with a focus on widespread job creation. In the American Dream sweepstakes, Andrew Yang was a pretty big winner. But along the way, he came to see that for every winner, there were thousands upon thousands of losers.


The economist Joseph Schumpeter famously described capitalism as an act of “creative destruction” — with new ideas and technologies replacing the old, with nimble startup firms replacing outmoded legacy firms, all in service of a blanket rise in prosperity. The notion of creative destruction has for many decades been part of the economic orthodoxy. And it’s undeniable that global prosperity has risen, and not just a little bit. But Yang — like many others — has stopped believing in the economic orthodoxy of creative destruction. As he sees it, there’s just too much destruction; and the blanket rise in prosperity isn’t covering enough people. We’re living through what Yang calls “a war on normal people” — a war that Yang fears is getting uglier all the time. And that’s why he has taken to saying this:


Andrew YANG: I’m Andrew Yang, and I’m running for president as a Democrat in 2020.


Stephen DUBNER: I can think of a million things that you personally, Andrew Yang — with your resources and abilities and so on — could have done other than running for president of the United States. And yet that’s the one you’ve chosen. So why?


YANG: So imagine if you were the guy getting medals and awards for creating jobs around the country and realizing that the jobs are about to disappear in an historic way. And all of the solutions involve really a much more intelligent, activated government than you currently have. And I went around and talked to various people being like, “Hey guys, anyone going to solve the biggest problem in the history of the world?” And I could not identify anyone who was going to run and take it on.


DUBNER: So you put your hand up and said, “I guess I will?”


YANG: Yeah. I’m a parent like you are. I’ve got kids who are going to grow up in this country, and to me just believing that we’re going to leave them this shit-show that I think is coming and not doing something about it struck me as really pathetic.


Rest in link