"Big, big, big happenings"
More like big fucking nothingburger.
"Big, big, big happenings"
More like big fucking nothingburger.
Its time people to come to the realization that President Trump isn't surrounded by some team of super patriots that is going to take the cabal out for us.
I think he's doing what he can but he seems to be losing his resolve as evidenced by his caving on mass immigration. Thats not MAGA, thats service to Wall Street and the fucking banksters.
No this has been nothing more than a diversion to buy Trump time in the hope he could get re-elected.
If we're going to save the country we need to don yellow vests and storm Washington DC.
Anything else is navel gazing which is what they want you doing.
America will not be saved by singing kumbaya and shitposting.
You were right with this part; "nothing will happen."
Theres no reason to keep kicking the can down the road unless Q is helpless to do anything.
And after this much time the only logical conclusion is that we are on our own. Either we act, or we waste time on this nonsense.
Obviously some coordination is in order.
Rally as many Trump voters as is possible.
Biggest problem being we have no meaningful platform.