I'm sorry does this has something to do with the upcoming happening that you are waiting for? On the 20th is that right?
Holy shit, I hope so.
I guess that answers his question.
How long are you going to tell yourself that?
Head wounds don't bleed as much as you would think.
Considering you only have access to a relatively few still photographs and you have not seen it in person pretty much anything you say is going to be speculation. Why are you guys wearing yourselves out to try to prove this massacre never happened? What is your motivation?
Real life is not Hollywood. I have been standing within feet of people who've taken bullets to the Head and otherwise. The amount of blood is usually not anything like what you're used to seeing on Hollywood Productions.
What is your motivation for trying to prove this never happened? And why on Earth do you think that someone would stage an attack in New Zealand of all places? Every single time something like this happens and it was not a person with dark skin or Muslim that commits it, you guys wear yourselves out trying to prove it was a false flag. You do not do the same however when it is a Muslim or a dark-skinned person that shoot somebody else you believe that without question. What is your motivation?
So you think that every mass murder every bombing that goes on every where in the world are all hoaxes? Why? And what effects does it have on you? How did the Boston bombing affect you personally how did the people that got killed in Las Vegas affect you personally what motive does somebody have to do all these what do you think "they" are they trying to accomplish?