>>5758859 (lb)
Why so many false flags? Trauma based mind control and justifying legislation that takes away constitutional rights -- the same ones that are inalienable. Surveillance and control state imposition.
>>5758859 (lb)
Why so many false flags? Trauma based mind control and justifying legislation that takes away constitutional rights -- the same ones that are inalienable. Surveillance and control state imposition.
There has to be more than this.
Michael transvestigation needs to ramp up.
Epic fail.
I think the max. is 5 images per post.
Lady Gaga is another tranny
The luciferians consider being transgendered as more highly evolved and spiritually illumined, therefore these types are meant to rule over us sheeple.
interesting and this is also why internet comment and chan threads are potentially so threatening
Round up and chemtrails/geoengineering are killing bees.