You should go back to reddit
Oh wait they banned you for being a larpnigger
You got btfoed by spez lmao
Keep worshiping lindsey " i want to take your guns and i like taking big black dick " graham
Q youre paying for my therapy
Oh wait youre always going to be anonymous cuz your a fucking psyop to find vulnerable people to fuck with as well as find anyone capable of fighting back against the nwo
Aka anyone who thinks for themself
Controlled opposition doesnt exist goyim
If you were real faggot theyd just ignore you
The mere fact that they mention you at all proves that youre fake
Q is a kike
Things that Q wont touch with a 10 foot pole
The bushes
Jason society
Skull and bones
Trumps roth connections
Wilbur ross
Why trumps,cabinet is entirely goldman sachs and rich families
I do this for free
And i have no soul
Yeah faggot
Q knows who i am
Thats why he or she loves using the jew beam on me when he gets bored of larping,for you guys
Youre already playing that game anon
Choose your overlord
Zionist luciferian gangsters
Nwo luciferian gangsters
Both are probably the same
But the zionists seem to want us alive as slaves
All 7 billion
No Q stole it from months of fucking with my brain
Do you enjoy watching people die
You didnt even give a shit when that spec ops goon shot up the mosque
They really like using butterflies to mk ultra
Oh btw anons
Q and all the cia niggers can read your minds
And probably control,reality
Have fun with that
If it makes you feel better you eventually get numb to it
War over what ?
Who gets to keep us all as slaves
Yeah i dont give a single fuck who wins that anon
And neither should any of you
Gen flynn would sell your ass to turkey for a smoke
Yeah have fun being homeless anon
You are all slaves
None of you are free
If you wanna be free you have to be in the woods
And even then you arnt free
Being in,this dimension makes you a slave
Then id be sad because death is freedom