nice bread
Nightshift anons, be sure to kickstart the hashes before going to bed pls thx
What are your anons opinions on wakanda-posting the haiti redpill?
Bowie was next on the list.
It seemed pretty obvious when all those "accidents"
kept happening with the military. All very purposeful IMO.
Plus that commie cadet that we nabbed from his
graduation pics - but I'm sure they've quickly been
rooted out.
I'm not sure we'll need it. This is speculation but,
the video will be direct from Weiner's laptop - this
is the only logical place it could come from (NYPD).
It's not like they could release NSA files, it must
come from a reliable and outside source who was
known to be in possession of such material.
Which is why I fully expect to see Huma's clitless
snatch this month.
It's neither halal nor kosher.
;) niiiiiice