Who is the most powerful person in the world? Is the most powerful person, the person who gives the job (and who can also take away the job), or is the most powerful person the one who has the job (of the most powerful person)?
Is the president the most powerful?
Or are the people who put him in office, are they the most powerful people?
This point, the Power of the People, needs to be stressed to The People, The elect.
As Q says 'we have forgotten how to play'. We don't know our power. As one person, we don't have as much power, but as a whole group, we are the most powerful in the world.
The world changed because of The People. We voted in Trump, and now people all around the world are doing the same. They feel more confident and safe to do so.
We must teach people that they do have power, so they will use that power and vote, get involved, never allow this corruption to take control of our nation, of the world, again.
It's not so much that we forgot how to play, it's that we were never taught how to play to begin with. This is the deception that has been brought upon the world.