magnetic poles are moving, enroute to flipping, shield is weakening, and lowering the protection of the magnetosphere against gamma rays. This is science. Combine this with a grand solar minimun (sun going quiescent). We are headed for problems, soon.
It is amazing how smart people can be so stupid. FE is crazy talk.
you are very much alone dude. I am christian, MDiv, and I say you are full of BS. Not eveything can be taken literally- the proper reading of the Bible cannot be done that way. You can live in a bubble, but the world knows otherwise. Drop it.
check out the migration of the poles- they are moving quickly, and with increasing pace.
If you are saying this is bogus science, then you are not paying attention. The poles are moving, and weakening our protections against gamma rays. https://
Also this site, which Adapt 2030 refers to: http://
taking about this dude. the magnetic shield protecting the earth is weakening.
lots of earthquakes today, esp. in South Pacific
Yes. exactly. And colder planet
we are headed into one of those minimuns
you make me laugh. Who buys this garbage?
here is a more updated graph showing solar minimums and maximums, and projecting ahead. A period of global cooling is upon us.