Haiti/Peanut farm connection:
In 2014, Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership announced launch of the Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corporation to help more than 12,000 small peanut farmers in Haiti.
Frank Giustra committed more than $100 million to the work of the Clinton Foundation, becoming one of the largest individual donors.
Founder of Lionsgate Entertainment.
Funds an organization that provides mentoring for at-risk teenage boys in British Columbia according to teacher who helped found the program, Jim Crescenzo. - more digging needed.
https:// www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-clintons-a-luxury-jet-and-their-100-million-donor/2015/05/03/688051d0-ecef-11e4-8abc-d6aa3bad79dd_story.html?utm_term=.16ce067ea00d
Giustra involved in mining: Argentina, Australia and Mexico & Kazakhstan. Ties to Uranium One deal.
Also Chairman of Vancouver's Yorkton Securities Inc., a leading financial facilitator of the world's mining industry.
https:// archive.is/0Z3ef#selection-1053.0-1053.294