From: H <hrod17@clintonemail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 7:55 AM
To: 'millscd@state.gov'
Subject: Re: Haiti recovery blueprint includes foreign donors
Sounds good.
Mark Schneider, senior vice president of the Washington D.C.-based International
Crisis Group, said of the plan, which he has seen. "I've said, the first phase of reconstruction is a decade. The real test is
a generation and hopefully with partnerships both inside and outside of Haiti, it will continue for that time period."
commission would
morph into the Haiti Development Authority (HDA), a central planning agency tasked with approving all reconstruction
projects in Haiti regardless of which country or aid agency is funding it.
The U.S. plan has since undergone several revisions at Prevails urging.
Among them: offering a voting seat on the commission's board to each donor pledging $100 million or more over the
next two years and donors who provide $200 million in debt cancellation.
"The creation of the [trust fund] or the [Haiti Development Authority] are improvements to changing the paradigm if
and only if everybody plays the game – putting most of their money in the fund – and access to the funds is more flexible than the usual process of disbursing from the international donors," Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive
told The Herald.
8's Trump 3's.