No he only referenced it. Even said it CAN'T be released yet cause the MSM would just ignore it.
Nobody knows what the vid is for sure. Its all speculation at this point.
I'm getting that feeling as well. Time to filterโฆ.
I know I just filtered em. Thanks for looking out though anon.
Better to be extra paranoid than not paranoid enough!! Keep ur eyes open & stay safe anon.
ID: 944251 (33)
Watch yourselves with this one anons. All those posts & nothing of valueโฆ..
Then go thru the top of the bread ffs u douche. Thats what its there for. We're not here to teach u. & that's exactly what ur tryna to have us do.
Unfortunately to lefty's if u like POTUS ur automatically a Republican. I go thru the same shit here in MN. It's fucking ridiculous.
Cosmic rays are intensifying. Adapt2030 on YT covers this very well. And he always provides & shows his sauce.
Ur absolutely right. It's the fucking uniparty. Playing both sides against one another. That's what I try to wake them up to. Tryna show them (((they))) do NOT have our interests in mind. Only their's.
>haven't voted since '08
>was always the conspiritard
>always hated the 2 party system
>write me off as a right wing nut
Lol u just described exactly what i've been thru.
Yeah she has. But their too stupid to realize the only thing they have really done is drive more people towards NRA membership & help sell more guns. She's almost as valuable as pelosi is for republicans.
These people ARE really, REALLY stupid!!KeK!
Funny, I was gonna post the same response but decided against it.
Sauce for increasing cosmic rays.
U can also correlate past solar minimums with sunspots(or lack of) almost exactly with catastrophic volcano eruptions, major earthquakes & unusually cold weather around the globe due to wondering jet streams. Look up maunder or sporer minimums.
An anon a few loafs ago came across a Sae-a in the clinton emails. Iirc it should have been added as a notable up top.
Thank you anon for posting this. I'm stuck phonefaggin & don't have what's necessary for sniping graphics to post on my phone.
Most catastrophic volcano eruptions fall into those minimums as well. Along with the so called year without a summer which was in the 1800's iirc.
I don't think we can say for sure but it's what fits best with that Q post imo. It ties CF/Haiti/Cheryl mills & a bunch more together. Seems to be going after the money.
>1st pic
Then why if u do a time lapse photo from the equator do the stars only show streaks? They don't show any pivoting what so ever.
>2nd pic
It's called atmospheric drag u idiot. It's how planes fly. Once u slow enough THEN parachutes get deployed.
I thought u were leaving? Why u still here? GTFO! Ur not wanted!
Not here ur not. Obviously u can't see the writing on the wall. SMDH.