Anonymous ID: 558622 March 18, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.5760529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0555 >>0637

>>5760330 (lb)


White Alice, Black Alice and Crazy Alice Programming


There are often three versions of the Alice programming installed, and each will be a backup for the other, in case one fails. Each will be described separately below. “White Alice” programming is designed to ensure the “host” parts does not remember any cult activity and believe that her “ordinary memories” of life are the whole picture. “Crazy Alice” programming is designed to make the “host” parts feel like they are going crazy, be afraid of going crazy and to return to the cult for “treatment” if they start remembering what they are not supposed to. “Black Alice” programming is designed to make the “host” parts afraid that they will hurt the people around them if they remember what they were told by the cult to not remember. I will share about “Crazy Alice” and “Black Alice” programming in future articles.


If is common for members of occultic international groups to have at least one presentation that goes by the name “Alice”. This is for a specific reason: this is a trigger for Wonderland programming. The programming starts in the womb (prenatally), with the various Wonderland creatures talking to the birth mother and fetus, and with specific traumas that create the main characters. It continues during infancy. For instance, the infant will be dressed in a “Dormouse” costume, and taught to drink tea that makes him/her sleepy on command, or as a Cheshire Cat, with an outside actor modeling the role of this part.


The initial programming is continued and reinforced over the next few years in the programming studios,that have props and virtual reality films, as well as costumes and actors, until all parts for all three versions of the Alice programming understand and reliably perform their roles.


By age three, the child will be taken to a large estate in France (or, other locations, depending on the group) for the full re-enactment of Alice in Wonderland programming. This is an elaborate setup, and occurs over the period of a week. The child enters through rooms that reinforce previous training (“control the children”: is recorded and replayed, with pictures of dead children displayed on the walls of the room; mirrors, “remember the flowers” and other triggers). The child then enters a “backward world” where everything is backwards (much like the third dimension; this prepares the child for this travel). White Alice (representing the presentation main controller who is heavily demonized) is dressed in the blue dress and white pinafore, with blond hair and blue eyes, and guides the child (who is dressed in the same way) through backwards houses, where people walk and talk backwards (a common cause of childhood dyslexia is the confusion this creates).


The child is then taken to a setup street where things are not backwards, but “crooked” or off slightly, which is even more disorienting. The child must walk with the Cheshire Cat (who represents a demonic guide) leading them through houses where things are insanely wrong, where people talk nonsense, and the floors and roofs may be upside down, to teach the child not to trust reality.


The White Rabbit


The Cheshire Cat then brings the child at last to a place where they see the white rabbit (the primary trainer or bond dressed in a costume), and they follow him/her “down the hole” (representing amnesia) to a room where the presentation stays behind, watching a movie (screen memories which account for the lapse of time). Alice agrees to always follow the white rabbit, to do what he/she tells her, on pain of her/his death; because she loves this individual, she makes the promise. The white rabbit is the primary love bond in this program, and controls Alice.


The Caterpillar

Anonymous ID: 558622 March 18, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.5760555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0566



The Catapiller


After performing a sacrifice and making agreement to always forget, and only remember what they saw on the screen (videos of presentation normal memories), the child then enters a garden with animated/demonic flowers that at first talk kindly to the child, but later turn on the child and attack them. Wasps come and sting the child, and the large caterpillar (the at first kindly guardian of the garden, played by another primary bond) tells the child what to do, and how to escape. The caterpillar then blows smoke over the child, which induces amnesia, and tells her to “always remember to forget” or the primary bond will be killed. The child (playing the Alice role) agrees, and takes a bite of the mushroom offered, which represents this agreement to only remember what she is told to remember.




The child then enters a huge maze created from hedges. Soon, the child is pursued by the “Jabberwocky” (a demonic presence and strong presentation persecutor/punisher), and must rely upon their theta skills to run and escape, and even leave the body and fly away. The white rabbit and the Cheshire Cat lead the child to safety, but at times will try to “trick” the child until the child learns to rely on themselves instead of these capricious demonic “helpers.”


The jabberwocky pursues the Alice characters, and punishes them if they are “disobedient” (going off the path to investigate interesting things put to the side as tests), or if Alice ever tries to leave Wonderland. Because the presentation parts live in Wonderland, they are told to never leave, and at intervals throughout the program, they do sacrifices at altars installed at various points in Wonderland to keep the agreement going. The Jabberwocky and others are guardians of Wonderland that keep the presenters inside.


The Croquet Game


As the child goes deeper into Wonderland, they sleep frightened outdoors, running from the Jabberwocky if it comes near. As the child attempt to go through the maze, they will run across the queen of hearts (a primary double bind, often a twin sister) and her court playing croquet (with the severed heads of human children used as the balls). Hearts is the royal, or controlling, suit in the white Alice program; while spades is the ruling suit in the Black Alice (killer) program that will be addressed in another article. The queen becomes very interested in using the child’s head (the child is constantly called “Alice” throughout the setup, to represent the presentations, since Alice in Wonderland is ultimately presentation programming to remain amnesic and rely on demonic help to do so). Alice is very frightened, and this trauma is used to reinforce her obedience and amnesia.

Anonymous ID: 558622 March 18, 2019, 4:31 p.m. No.5760566   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Valley of Shadow of Death


The demonic Cheshire cat helps to “rescue” the child, leading her away through a hole in the hedge. Alice then follows the cat, and goes through the “valley of the shadow of death.” The valley goes into a deep forest, is quite dark and frightening, and the child by now is hungry, frightened, and hearing terrible noises. In the middle of the woods is a cottage; it is now nighttime, and the weary child knocks at the door, to be greeted by a kindly woman. The child is fed, sleeps, and is warned to avoid the Jabberwocky, which seeks to kill the child.


During the night, the kindly woman gets up. The child is awake, vomiting from the effects of a mild poison they were given in the food. The woman calls in her familiars (wolves) and tries to kill the child, who cries out for help to the “Cheshire Cat” to rescue her. A mage (spiritual person) also comes and helps rescue the child, who continues the journey, meeting other characters.


Palace of Hearts


Finally, the child ends up at the palace of the Queen of Hearts, who demands a sacrifice (the child was already told that the last child to complete the Alice scenarios will be her sacrifice). The children who live watch the final child come in; this child was “too slow” and is sacrificed in a ritual. This reminds the children to never be slow or tardy when coming to a “party” (ritual) or event. The “parties” in the Alice in Wonderland books are always referring to rituals.


The King and Queen of Hearts are individuals the child loves very much and has been bonded to. They often represent a twin or beloved brother and sister; or beloved cult parents. The love bond is represented by the heart, with the understanding by the child that if he or she ever remembers, and the amnesia breaks, these individuals will be killed. During one installation of the programming, the child is invited to break the Wonderland programming, and she or he sees a mock killing of their King or Queen of hearts.


The Tea Party


The tea party is an important component of the amnesia programming. Internally, the presenters and other characters are always at a continuous tea party to reinforce the amnesia programming. The script often goes as follows:


The tea party is presided over by Alice’s mother (a cult mother; the mother is called Mnemosyn, or the demon over amnesia by the Jesuits). This part becomes a strong amnesia controller. As the tea party progresses, to the child’s horror, one by one, the people at the party (who are doubles of people they love deeply; including their presentation mother, father, sisters, brothers, and loved ones in the cult) are killed in horrendously gruesome ways.


The horrified Alice is reminded by Mnemosyn that “everything is fine” and is told to “let me take care of everything” and asks Alice to give her the memories. If Alice agrees, Mnemosyn then “takes away” the memories of the murders and sacrifices, and the dead characters are removed one by one; and replaced with living ones. Finally, there are no bodies left, and Mnemosyn assures Alice that “nothing bad ever happened.”


The various characters at the tea party have control over the presentation amnesia in different ways.

Anonymous ID: 558622 March 18, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.5760637   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 158b72 No.2827163 📁

Aug 31 2018 22:33:08 (EST)


HRC = Alice

SA = Wonderland


Re_read drops re: SA

Have faith.

For God & Country.