Go to hell, and take your GI Joe plastic hairdo with you, Bret
Monday, March 18, 2019
Blind Items Revealed #1
March 11, 2019
This politician had to cancel an evening appearance, after she got carried away with some day drinking & passed out in her hotel room. We have all been there.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Posted by ent lawyer at 8:15 AM
Thank God somebody else knows
The "two parties" are just a gigantic ploy
It's the rich assholes vs. everybody else
Those are the real two parties.
is the thing that we've been training for
The realization that it was all bullshit.
We know. We've known for a while.
When the rest of the world figures it out, those assholes will be PRAYING they'll be safe at Gitmo.
Because you wanna know the great thing about RICO?
Everything, and I mean ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING is admissible in court
Prosecution can introduce anything under the sun as evidence
The asset seizure potential is absolutely glorious
Nobody's going to want to defend them.
These people are all so, so screwed.