This chic is a huge RINO fan.
The RINO wing is trying to make a comeback. Why are they trying to smear Nunes? How complicit is the RINO establishment with the Clinton Crime Family?
This chic is a huge RINO fan.
The RINO wing is trying to make a comeback. Why are they trying to smear Nunes? How complicit is the RINO establishment with the Clinton Crime Family?
>They are two wings of the same family…when he was governor, Clinton cooperated with Daddy Bush to run drugs into Arkansas…and that's just the beginning.
We had the ILLUSION of choice between the Clintons and the Bushes. We were duped. This is sickening.
Social media has a very real threat to their existence. Either:
Be a publisher
Or be a content provider.
Either choice they make will be disastrous for them. If they are classified as a publisher, they can continue to censor content, but they will be sued out of existence.
If they become a publisher, their deep state funding sources and influence will evaporate.
>If they become a publisher, their deep state funding sources and influence will evaporate.
Typo - should read
f they become a platform, their deep state funding sources and influence will evaporate.