Hey Q…..
Why don't you have a talk with your boss about his infringement on the Second Amendment and the DANGEROUS precedent he set by doing what he has done with the bumpstock ban (you know the democrats will abuse this one day)? It's amazing you can't seem to quite charge ACTUAL felons, ya know Hillary, PodestaThaMolesta, Brennen etc etc, but manage to make 500,000 AMERICAN CITIZENS felons overnight with an AG reaffirmed bumpstock ban. Seems like your priorities on the Hill are fucking skewed. The "Q Team" won't be around to save us forever, and eventually, God forbid, we will have to rely on our last line of defense against tyranny. Employment of the 2nd Amendment in it's intended purpose. But no, Americans are getting their Constitutional dicks severed off by feelings and appeasement. Nice work, dickbag.