What was Q's American flag dated as? 1775? Strange?
The majority of the North American Indians were mercilessly annihilated during the US wars as well as those Native Americans killed in the epoch of the XVIII century. It is considered that Holland, France, England and then the USA, in severe battles and in violent disputes among themselves, were seizing the former 'Spanish territories' in America [336], v.2. In fact, the conquered lands were the vast American domains of Russia-Horde and Atamania (Ottoman Empire) which suddenly 'became no one's' after Moscow Tartaria fell apart circa 1775 [4v1], ch.11. The founding of the USA in 1776 was accompanied by other distinguished events, which are now becoming clear. For example: 'In 1774 there was announced the freedom of the trade exchange between the colonial provinces… In 1778 a FULL REFORM OF THE CROSS-ATLANTIC TRADE took place'[336], v.2, p.417