And no one can search those diplomatic containers. Just how many kids do you think when through a diplomatic container? Uranium? Weapons? Cash? Drugs? The list is endless.
I really don’t know anything about stenography? I am sure I did not spell it right. I am speaking of things hidden in pictures. Has anyone check for it in the photos out of Clapper, Comey, etc.?
Don’t forget Project Pelican. The 35-year lease signed with the Saudis on Port Canaveral.
Diplomatic pouch first started out as just a pouch for a diplomat would travel. He would put his personal things in there when he would move overseas or here to an Embassy. Then the pouch grew bigger and bigger, but yet the rules remained in place that the “pouch” would not be checked as it was personal belongings of the diplomat. Now they can be huge shipping containers.