>What did you fuckers do before Q came along?
If you had really "been here years" then you already would know...
So the real questions are,
Why don't you know?
Why would you even need to ask?
>What did you fuckers do before Q came along?
If you had really "been here years" then you already would know...
So the real questions are,
Why don't you know?
Why would you even need to ask?
>YOUTUBE are monsters and are deciding who can say what.
Youtube is censoring what Patriots/truth-tellers have to share
If they were really in control they wouldn't need to censor.
youtube/twat/fb censorship = ADMISSION of WEAKNESS
What does that tell you??
We are smart enough to get around their censorship and counter their algos, are we not??
>black pills
Does that frighten you?
Maybe it should!
We cannot move forward without naming the problem.
We cannot fix the problem without identifying it first.
Identifying the problem(s) is only a problem for those who ARE the problem (or why benefit by it).
>Identify the problem(s)
>Figure out countermeasures
>Fix problems
So… what's the problem again?
>so I guess Flynn is VP next time around?
Nothing against Pence, but that's hot a terrible idea. Flynn is a muthafucking HERO for the Republic!
Those who are ready/willing to fall on their swords for Joe Q Everyman are true and actual living heroes in my book.
I may not have $ to donate to his legal fund or mortgage fund, I really do support selfless patriots like him. If my only support = a vote, I'm a-ok with that.
It's what I can do.