15 minute delta
Been here since the start.
I have an open question.
Q said that we will get a choice to see the truth.
Any thought on how that choice will be made?
It won't be to simply stay here and see.
What do you anons think?
A link to click?
Or something else?
What is the Severn Bore?
I get this, but that is not it. Gut feeling.
We already know pretty much the most fucked up nasty shit there is. That wouldn't be new, evidence or not.
It feels like something mind blowing.
Not flat fucking earth (that is bullshit to hide something else, possibly hollow earth).
It feels like in order to be allowed to move on or progress, we must get rid of the truly evil around us or we cannot.
When Q says we're surrounded by EVIL, does he mean on Earth or also above?
If above, this could mean satellites or something else.
Whatever it is must be truly bonkers or there would be less of the cryptic-ness, right?
Whatever it is, I choose 100% to know.
Q hasn't made that many assertions, more questions.
Nastier than implying we're being poisoned, our kids are being raped and eaten, and we're just here as bottom feeders to be used? If it's nastier than that, I will take my hat off to the ingenuity of evil.
What would be within my realm of expectations is that there is proof that God exists and it is kept from us deliberately because of selfish people.
For fun and work purposes, shall we run a sweepstake?
A list of the most fucked up shit we think is going to be revealed?
Child slavery, trafficking, sexual abuse and fancy food stuffs.
Adult slavery plus the above
Elites and clowns are involved in the trafficking of everything for profit that would get us locked up
Huge percentages of politicians, the wealthy and royalty are fully complicit
Until recently there were plan(s) to kills most of all of us
The elite literally don't give a shit about anyone except for their use to keep them as elite
The unknowns:
God exists physically or evidence of God exists and it is being deliberately kept hidden
An entire human history exists that we know nothing about
The Earth is hollow (or flat or whatever)
NASA has been lying
Aliens exist
These are not mutually exclusive.
Anyone want to add or edit?
I get the feeling, the Universe as we see it was created from some point or time in the future.
That could include artificial reality. If this is it though, I want my money back ;)
Yeah, I think the point is that I agree with the message above.
Just when you think you know how fucked up things are, a new more fuckered thing comes along innit.
Hall of mirrors?
I'd like a thousand year trial period for the cheat code edition.
Appreciate the response.
Would prefer it if conjecture was not stated as fact. Just because something is in a book is not what makes it true necessarily.
It is unusual for the disinfo (or not) update from RV intel alert to be this late for 6th March. Any news on that?
Not sure. I would create this whole simulation myself if I was bored enough.
After enough time, I would make it interesting enough to surprise.
Eventually it could look like this, but there would have to be a MASSIVE t'da big reveal moment.
Shit, the original filename also looks like an encryption key or two concatenated .onion addresses.
Here we go again.
I feel guilty because it was me that on /pol/ well over a year ago that suggested Assange's key was in the Blockchain. That started all sorts of shit so I deserve this wait.
He's meeting with the Queen and having dinner with Charles and William.
If I were them, I would be shitting my pants.
MbS is in the US next, right? Meeting with Trump?
MbS is a total fucking legend.
A hero.
Apologies, I thought those were from the same post. Thanks for the correction.
Nothing good.
Financial transactions that are part of a RICO conspiracy will ensure a lot get locked up.
Be nice to have journalism back.
Do a search in Twitter for:
"concrete steps"
Notice anything weird???
https:// twitter.com/ConcreteSteps