Insignificant? We may be a little planet but every fucking alien species within a thousand light years is beating a b line to fuck our women. So we got the hottest bitches in the galaxy. There is that at least.
Did these clowns really think this was going to work? Did they think they could stampede us all into believing it?
Kind of makes me wonder what shit in hour history we think we know is really some bullshit penned by an out of work Hollywood script writer named Scholmo Coen Levi the third?
Maybe Nixon was framed? It is like they take an idea and just will it to reality. Fuck that shit.
DNA scientist tell people they are black as a larp. https://
You see how they do things? The whole out of Africa thing is a larp.
They also KNOW sticking their dicks into toddlers butts is mystical stuff man and opens their third eye. All the better to make a slave with.
They don't know shit. They think they know something but it is lies. It is all lies.
And who is gonna stop us?
I kind of think we are all throwing around our ideas and figuring shit out. In a world of this amount of lies it is going to take us a while to come to the correct conclusions.
I am getting the idea that this Ancient Alien shit might be right. The whole Earth is a lab experiment for dumb ass aliens.
Last year David Wilcocks seemed insane. I have to tell you. Now I am not so sure. Dude is real accurate with the Cabal stuff. I think this is were we are headed. Earth has been through this stuff before.
I know I can not immediately ignore ANYTHING anymore just because it sounds insane. I have tried to think through all these theories and let myself come to my own thoughts.
Two years ago I would of never thought the whole world was run by Luciferian baby rapist….who by the way eat these little kids afterwards also. That they got together for hundreds of years and play acted our history for their own amusement and profit. Now I am convinced.
So my fellow anonfags…..we are here to sift the incoming information and make up our own minds.
Honestly I am excited. No matter what the World is not the dreary place "they" had convinced me it was. This place is jumping with magic. It is everywhere. Whatever this whole thing turns out to be it is going to be AMAZING.
Honestly I am kind of shocked I am living in what has to be the single most important time in Humanity since what? Jesus? Stuff happening now is EPOCH ending/beginning stuff.
That is Lucifer….they tricked the Jews from the beginning. He promised the Earth to the Jews and they had it for at least 200 years.
The Creator god is calling in his chips.
Honestly I had the same thoughts the other day about OJ. They lie about everything. The whole race thing in the 90's in LA seems staged now. Rodney King film…..trial of cops…..cops aquited…..riots…..lots of film of blacks doing a chimp out and fucking up innocents….. knowing about Baltimore Riots of 2015 were staged with cops and anitifa in constant contact with each other. Likely LA was scripted to go like it did. Then OJ kills his wife……obviously seems guilty……whites feel blacks are fucking insane to let him off…….then he does some shit in sketchy ass Las Vegas……Las Vegas of the type of cops they have there. Seems like whole thing was probably to keep blacks and whites hating and not understanding each other. What do they do to us?
Keep us divided?
We are watching a movie?
make no claims on truth but there is more places saying this about House of Saud. Seems the Jews/Khazars made a habit of taking peoples identities and cryptoing their way into different communities. In times of no photo ID's I can see how this scam could work.
Their whole thing seems to be trying to avoid doing physical labor. Tricking other groups into doing all the hard stuff and you sitting back and making up a philosophy that supports the whole scam.
I read a quote the other day that the Talmud states that if a goyim losing something a Jew must not give it back…..
Then there was a real kicker. Said that Goyim dont really own property. We think we do but to a Talmudic Jew who is a good true believer will tell you….that goyim dont own anything. Ownership is the FIRST JEW who takes possession of it.
They say the same thing about our wives. Goyim dont have wives. We are not really married. They can fuck our wives and have committed no sin.
The whole thing seems like a system of scam artist. Like they cant use electricity on Friday? But if the oven happens to turn on by a computer program….well if your a smarty jew and happen to throw your casserole in at the preset time….god is happy. Your trick is a lawyer gimick. The spirit of Gods rule is happily ignored.
My CPAP machine has a setting that lets me put the mask on my face and just breathe in real hard a couple of times. The computer on it then turns the CPAP on. It was designed to help Jews who cant use electricity on certain days. If they "happen" to put on the mask and wow by magic it works….your not cheating anything.
Their whole Talmud is lawyer bullshit. Negotiations with god……dealing……giving and taking.
Sounds more like a trickster god.
Abraham was talking to Lucifer when he was willing to give up his son.
The creator god isnt doing this crap.
It is free will. Can't take away their freedom to chose corruption or good without making it all a prison of no freedom. So they have to have a chance to fuck up and steal everything and not grow.
I am starting to think all this was meant to happen.