Swamp status: So full it is closer to a shallow lake than a swamp more than halfway through POTUS's term. POTUS promoted Epstein's corrupt fixer to cabinet level, where Acosta proceeded to not shake up Obama's appointees and policies.
But Q promises it will be drained all at once, right after the free beer next Tuesday sign means you're getting free beer.
They can't be bothered to even do a little obvious housecleaning, like charging clapper for perjury for provably lying tp congress. Don't have to rush the trial, can slow roll things while the system is cleaned up, but lets get at least more swamp critter perp walks than POTUS's team. It isn't a high bar, arrest 0.001% of the swamp. Charge Lois Lerner for the IRS abuse/civil rights violations, abuse under color of law. Something. Anything.
We're well into the third quarter, we have no points on the board, they have some.
2018 will be GLORIOUS.