Anons I don’t think this really happened. I heard about it on the radio yesterday morning. Since there are so many alternative media sites saying he’s in GITMO, naturally I wanted to see for myself if he is really in Dallas presenting.
I could not find ANY information on the event ANYWHERE. Nothing. Even the station I heard it on had nothing posted on their social media/web sites to say when/where etc.
Correct me if I’m wrong here but shouldn’t it be a big deal if a previous president has a public speaking event? Especially since his words are cherry picked and plastered all over mainstream today.
Half of the pictures in the MSM articles are not from the event. There are no pictures of audience members or hand shakes or smiling congratulatory faces if immigrants… nothing. Nada. Zilche.
And WTF is with the hot ass mess of a flag? This is supposed to be a SMU event? No way. They are super ass richity rich, ticked and tied, prim proper snots. This makes them look bad. No way.