>>5770391 (lb)
No not Catholic but Ive read all the apocrypha and found Wisdom in some of its pages.
>>5770391 (lb)
No not Catholic but Ive read all the apocrypha and found Wisdom in some of its pages.
Luv this place!!!
Romans 11
Never posted behind VPN or ever believed even those that do were truly anonymous.
Stated as much clear back in CBTS.
Heard a story of someone infiltrating a google barge from Hawaii for less than two minutes after 72 hops and was found and located.
Not a tech fag so donโt know if its legit.
But still anonymous.. riiiight.
Christians are grafted in branches. The Isrealites are the natural branches. There are covenants with them that do not apply to Christians. It is what it is fren.
144,000 sealed of the twelve tribes is one of them already, list goes on.
You are ignoring Romans 11, and huge portions of the rest of the Bible to fit your narrative.
Hate that pedo