Last night, anons were posting snippets of Devin Nunes' interview. Pic related has what I think are the key phrases.
It's exciting to see something finally being done, but on the other hand, lawsuits can drag on for years. And I would imagine @jack will use every delay available.
Class action is the route I think this will be going. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan could join right away, and then get conservative news groups, and then just your regular citizens. Oh yeah, I can see this snowballing big time.
There has been so much happening, it's difficult to keep up. It's only the shills that try to hype up specific dates, so they can then try to demoralize and divide the true patriots. I never pay attention to them.
New phase? Yes, I think so. The floodgates are opening up, and previously squashed information is pouring out. It's becoming clear that there's no stopping it now.
I didn't know that. Nice.
You may be right. It's interesting you used the word "deluge". I just replied to another post and said the floodgates are opening. I think Hannity last night said something about D5 avalanche, which has been used quite a bit anyway. It's just becoming clear that things are happening fast. As you said, "hard and fast". And the more that comes - whether it's lawsuits, release of court docs and hearing transcripts, etc - the more people hear about it and start to wake up to the truth.