Anonymous ID: 21f120 March 19, 2019, 8:38 a.m. No.5772493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2504

Q -


I'm the anon that thinks they decoded all your trips

Decoded all your trips resolved to a six digit USGS ID that leads to


Little Rock Cheat'em & Rat?


Was I supposed to go to Richmond NH from Little Rock then to then to Dealey Plaza?


I can connect Dealey Plaza and the Red Brick Clock tower (old courthouse), with Greenville NH, Greenville with Peterborough NH, Peterborough NH with Salem MA, Salem with Brookline, Dealey with Brookline, Trinity in Boston, Dealey with New Haven, New Haven to the lawyer in the Greenville-Peterborough issue with Pilgrim, which goes right back to Sarah Winchester and the architectural style, Dealey with DJT's hotel in DC with the 315 foot clock tower (same style) but I cannot get from Richmond to Dealey except through a leap of faith i.e. Bacon, architecture and the Y-head / trident pattern of Dealey and the roads right there around Richmond.


Was the umbrella man signalling to someone in the clock tower? The clock tower, obelisk (no matter when it was put there…), x marks he spot on the road there line up pretty much. The same way the angle of Q = 315 degrees lines up with 315 and 12-25 on the Q-clock?


No coincidence Q I can get to DJTs clock tower from Little Rock (and as well the guy that designed the Old Red Court House was actually from Little Rock which is a ridiculous coincidence) taking in New Haven (322), Salem (witches and the game Clue; Peterborough Clue as well) etc.


also JFK was re-interred at 315pm on 315 and there is John 3.15 as well connected to the Q-clock and Gen. 3:15 (a Catholic thing, see Orrin ND decode; Gen. 3:15 to John 3.15; the Catholic issue which one would expect if you guys are doing the JFK thing to restore America and the Church, e.g. Pater Noster you posted, DJT's "here she is again pretending not to hate Catholics; HRC and GHWB and the Kennedys; Flynn 63 at St. Mary's Newport - there is a pew 17 and pew 45 there and if you kneel in pew 17 you can see pew 45 and pew 45 is at about your 10.30 from pew 17. Your inside knowledge of the Vatican Novus Ordo Cult; Melania intentionally photographed in front of Our Lady intended to show her stamping on Satan's head and so on).


I've done I think. Do you want me to try and do a full post with all the images I have to prove each step and all connections? I have about 350 images to show as well as the dig on the 4chan threat to you from November 2017 (which lead directly to a Syrian "defector" and Mossad and The Haunting (itself staged in Stratford - Bacon again - and shot in part in Boston!) that I decoded (and the Davies family Arms decode that I haven't posted yet which is a total troll by DJT and they fell for it because DJT was not supposed to win) - the connected trolling of the Davies family and the like seems to involve the River of Blood as well (the NYT linked the two in their own minds) but I have not yet dug thoroughly on that except it always reminds me of Enoch Powell.


Meridian Creek MS, 88 West, President Jackson, Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek etc.

That was the answer to the 10th (and final, derived) code (a five digit USGS code).


I just mention that for anyone that thinks the above is crazy talk. I can prove it all step by step so anons can check my working.


It is NOT complicated it just seems that way. I haven't mentioned the names and other things here that connect it all step-by step but I can.

Anonymous ID: 21f120 March 19, 2019, 8:39 a.m. No.5772504   🗄️.is 🔗kun


carried on from last post:


The ONLY time that requires letting go of Q's hand from the FIRST trip to Cheatham Park and the Rat DNA and then to Richmond NH is getting from Richmond NH to Dealey Plaza. As soon as you get to Dealey Plaza the hand-holding takes over again all the way down to DJT's 315 foot clock tower and then I stopped so here I am.


I have to go and see my trick cyclist at noon so I will check back later and see what Q or you all want - shut up or prove it.


I offer this post from someone who replied to my first Trip Decode just over 4 weeks ago now. The Trip Code was a patriots fight


I should mention that a dig on Q's Trip used on 3.15.18 takes you to a shooting at a Baptist (zionist) church in Daingerfield Texas where an AR-15 makes a supporting appearance (quelle suprise they love their AR15s, e.g. see the .22 adapted AR used by Edgar Madison Welch which the FBI lied about implying it was 5.56, and he only fired 3 shots NOT bloody multiple as the FBI claimed and that agent from Little Rock ought to be in jail and East Side Pies? YOU are still number one suspect for the Comet Ping Pong server connection I havent forgotten you mate8 and your Mattachine signs out front you removed and do anons recall the shooting incident at Silver Lake a few months ago? well that made me think of the whole bachelors anon, mattachine, radical faerie, stone wall issue and PIE can easily mean Pedophile Information Exchange as well as inverting 3.14 and their Golden Mean to the name of God as we saw in the San Antonio FF were CBS put the damn thing up on the screen next to their EYE as a gag well I saw you do that btw I havent forgotten and I have screen caps to prove that as well so Daingerfield right next to Cason (Caisson, see JFK funeral) involved a shooting that itself contained allegations of incest and on 3.15.19 the FF was in Christchurch? Member Oliver Stone mentioned Christchurch in his movie? Member the premise was the enemy messed up when they hit the "send button" in the same way the fake story put out by the cia podesta wapo and others about the Comet Shooter appeared before the shooting and it wasn't because of a webcrawler lag either.


okay enough. oh I found that both Teddy and Robert were in DC on 3.15, I have a cap f them in the Senate gallery together that day had that since early 2018. Also Alex Jones new USAID-MOSSAD wife (hooker etc,) whose mom works for the Federal reserve in Kansas iirc (have to check notes) used to do yoga classes at east side yoga and that location is right close to one of the east side pies and on top of that I can prove STRATFOR is connected to NAMBLA Austin but its just a small word follow the wives and Jone's first Jewish wife is related to female rabbis and a Jewish historian that thinks the slaughter of 25 million Russians (his number) was fully deserved and yes I can prove all that as well.




Don't call anons conspiratorial. Pizzgate is real and you shills are toast and hanger 17 JFK Jr is alive and I have shots of both Newsweek 1963 on JFKs death and Time on Jackies death (my copies) that I have posted before that show (((they))) communicate through the media Sherlock Holmes / Lord Peter Wimsey style.


Ave Maria Gratia Plena…


I posted the Syria Va. decode on 2.15.19 btw. Nasty if you recall. I think this is Q's response.

(see previous post)