Anonymous ID: 670cd1 March 19, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.5772338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

About Twitter shadowbanning…..


I get notifications on my iPhone via the Twitter app whenever GEOTUS posts.


I have noticed, increasingly so, that not all tweets give me a notification. I have my phone on my desk right below my computer screen. I often see it light up and then a notification appears to only disappear seconds later. It is often right after Trump tweets. I look to my iPhone notifications and nothing regarding Trump tweets. I was thinking that maybe it is because I have twitter open on my computer, but this is not always the case.


What I am getting at is what if it isn't twitter doing all of the shadowbanning? What if in this case it is Apple?


You know all of the big tech companies are in cahoots to a degree. So what if they agree to work together on specific issues.


Let's say…. Twitter shadowbans 10% of Trump tweets. Apple suppresses another 10%. Google, via Android, suppresses another 10%. Add in Safari, Chrome, and more and next thing you know it adds up to nearly half of Trump's tweets are not reaching the eyes they should.


Because the disparity in how the shadowbanning takes place, it is hard to pin point an exact offense as being the norm or at the fault of an "algorithm".


When the microscope is hovered over one, the others pick up the slack. That is why if you are going to really get at the issue, you need to go after all them at once. Maybe that is what Nunes was hinting at last night on Hannity with saying his case against Twitter is the first of many.

Anonymous ID: 670cd1 March 19, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.5772635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2683 >>2686 >>2701 >>2734

Ya know, I do still follow @JackPosobiec. You would be kidding yourself if you said he hasn't had some good leads on current events over the past couple years.


But, he is totally co-opting a Q/Nunes thing with the "strike".


He often undermines stuff he obviously reads here. Leaves a salty taste in my mouth. Maybe it is his way of trolling.


Also, I still follow @cernovich. What is the consensus on him? It was him who originally sought the declas of the Epstein files that are due to be released tomorrow.

Anonymous ID: 670cd1 March 19, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.5772701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2824



As unpopular as this belief may be here….


I actually think Posobiec and Cernovich know Q is legit. But for optics, they stay far away, Posobiec more publicly. The reason? Because they cannot be seen as connected for various reasons.


Posobiec moved up the ranks and is now a big voice for OANN.


Cernovich has broken quite a few stories that ended up being very consequential. His last task was to get the Epstein files public. Now that he accomplished that (barring anythin happening between now and tomorrow), he is off writing about metrosexual shit and changing focus.