Anonymous ID: bbc14f March 19, 2019, 8:45 a.m. No.5772580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2746


Updated map overview of NZ, updated timeline based on new information. updated info on PM and Police receiving copy of manifesto 9 min before shooting started.


The new timeline means the shooter would have had to leave the 2nd location by 2pm based on the picture of the clock. He was still driving around town, possibly headed for a 3rd target in Ashburton (listed in manifesto) before he was caught.


Could use a hand digging for any police presence at Ashburton mosque (1hr south of CC), or roadblocks setup on the south side of the city!


PM is a LIAR! She sd nothing in manifesto showed there was a target, and she said it in a statement the day after.