How many of you daca invader faggots fill our county jails? State prisons? Fedcoat prisons? That number is huge and my guess the fedcoats are lying about those numbers so we don't rebel by morning. Fuck off illegal invader you shouldn't be in the USA. Report and deport.
Chek't synagogue of satan digits but PapaD is ourguy.
You're fucking an illegal invader faggot. You low lifes are involved in asymmetric, economic, womb warfare against USA citizens. All are acts of war. How the fuck is anything I text raziz you low iq sick fuck. Report and deport all illegal invaders and illegal kids.
You're on this board pimping out daca like a little bishh faggot whore. We want you all you illegal invader parasites gone. Fill out paperwork from your country of origin if you want back in the USA. Now go fuck off illegal invader faggot. Report and deport.