Media namefag says:
>We must build a wall. Its an invasion. We must support President Trump.
Do you want to hear more from media namefag?
>Russia collusion is a lie. Obama himself and half of his government are traitors.
Do you want to recommend media namefag to your friends?
>Muh guns. Muh Antifa. Something must be done.
Wanna go smash some heads?
>Im and experienced, wise person. I know secrets, I try so hard to get them to you.
>Just like you, mind numbed masss don't listen. They ban me and say mean things, but I keep going.
>Because I care.
Do you now defend and sympathize with media namefag?
Does he seem like a familiar friend?
Have you lowered your defenses to false narratives?
These are plays on Confirmation Bias.
Its a major mode of marketing and shilling at all levels.
Its building a following to (mis)lead, seconds or years later.
It all starts with the truth as one understands it.
Wolves in sheeps clothing. Beware.
Trust the plan.