Another glaring fuck up.
Don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, might be wrong.
Another glaring fuck up.
Don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, might be wrong.
No shit. But there are about 100 news reports and live witness interviews that say there were 300-500.
Far cry from the body count and people running away.
Where did they run to in the back parking? Most over them couldn't have made it over the fence, and if they went to the nw corner, they would have ended up in the driveway he turned around in. No one came up that alley.
You do see 2 women run out the front gate when they see him. Why were they not hauling ass? And you see 1 guy make it out the south entry. That's about it.
he also shoots down the south side, so that means 200-400 people were all hiding behind their cars and escaped in 14 seconds, before the camera shows the main prayer room.
There just aren't any other doors.
Yeah. this is almost as good as catching the PM lying about PM Jacinda Ardemm saying there was no target info in the manifest they received at 1:31pm.