Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?
Why are so many occultists into Melanin alchemy?
"You have brain melanin, also known as neuro-melanin, and you have skin melanin. Neuro-melanin does not run parallel with skin melanin, Whether white, red, yellow, black, or brown, neuro-melanin, plays an important role in functioning of the brain, and nervous system."
Ra Chemistry: Melanin and Serotonin
The Alchemy of the Goddess: Melanin, Pineal Gland Activation
115 Magic of Melanin - The Pineal Gland
Alchemy - The study of Melanin
Melanin, Gnosis, & Occult Alchemy
Pineal gland Melatonin Melanin - Are You Ready for a Change?
Melanin, The Pineal Gland, and the 3rd Eye
"The melanocytes in our pineal gland are responsible for secreting melanin molecules into our bodies. The pineal gland produces the melatonin which regulates our circadian rhythms and reproductive hormones. It also produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating our moods."
"So, what is so important about melanin? Melanin controls all mental and physical body activities. Melanin is an extremely stable molecule, and highly resistant to the digestion by most acids and bases, and is one of the hardest molecule to ever be analyzed. If you do not purify your melanin molecule, you will not heal your body of diseases."
"Now, you might be asking yourself what does melanin have to do with ultra- violet light? Well, the DNA molecule are all covered with melanin. One of the things that melanin does is it actually absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Melanin is constantly reaching out towards the ultraviolet rays of the sun."