Anonymous ID: 3385d3 March 19, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.5777713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7755 >>7757 >>7758 >>7847 >>7955 >>8049


True, we were already pacified.

Can we just imagine for a sec, if Patriots stood up to rebel?

All our comms would be hacked. They would know every single move we make if it is relayed via cell phone, radio, anything.

The moment we try to meet up, police would be on us like stink on rice, setting up a perimeter for some such illegal organizing with weapons.

Let's just say that doesn't happen, and we do caravan our trucks, campers, vans, and big rigs to Washington. We would be barricaded on any highway, and national guard would be on us on any off road location.

Let's just say we were to get into a shooting contest. We would be blown up from the skies in no time.

It would be glorified, our demise, on mainstream media, our hatequest defeated.

People can only defend their homes, and by defend, I mean they can shoot until they're killed by the endless cops, swat, nat guard that go to seize whatever the fuck it is they want to seize.

You yield and live or fight and die.

Q actually gives us a seat at the show, a show that would kikely be going on regardless.

Does it look good? Most of the time. Do we help project the fantasy? Absolutely. Do we fill in plot holes? Yup. Do we fanboi excessively? For our own morale. Do we know what the fuck is going on? Does Pewdiepie? I got an idea, let's just post pepe memes and stfu.

Anonymous ID: 3385d3 March 19, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.5777814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8204


We aren't psychopaths. None of us want to go shoot up random people in churches. We want the puppet masters and the puppets out of the way of prosperity. The end.