Anonymous ID: 892002 March 19, 2019, 2:41 p.m. No.5777482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7506 >>7521



Q, you are weak.


DO SOMETHING tangible, you fucking slacker. If I had half the resources you claim to have, I would have liberated my nation 10x by now. You are a fraud.

Anonymous ID: 892002 March 19, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.5777730   🗄️.is 🔗kun



@Eric Trump… Why don't you give yourself another Alt-Right haircut, so you can pretend to be one of /US/ while you and your Daddy stab Germanic-Americans in the back?

Anonymous ID: 892002 March 19, 2019, 2:59 p.m. No.5777910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7925 >>7971

POTUS is one-step away from taking a knee to suck Israeli-cock… What the hell makes you idiots think he isn't COMPLETELY FINE with Mossad, leading you on for two years.


Do you REALLY think Trump, with a Jewish daughter, would support a bunch of "autists" exposing Jewish-crimes and pedophilia???