Of course he does.
Why is this so hard to understand?
Q is absolutely real.
The problem is, Q isn't here to HELP YOU.
Q is here to keep you off the streets.
Of course he does.
Why is this so hard to understand?
Q is absolutely real.
The problem is, Q isn't here to HELP YOU.
Q is here to keep you off the streets.
Yes, I'm glad Hillary isn't president. But the price we paid, is that she will never face justice.
So we got Trump, in exchange for keeping Hillary out of prison.
Is that a victory? Not to me.
Delayed again.
Are you surprised yet?
Q is here to keep you pacified. Keep waiting 6 more years goy!
Keep going to work! Don't forget to pay your taxes! We're going to confuse your kids, and sexualize them at a young age!
Just keep paying your taxes goy! Trust the plan!
I agree, that's a good thing, no nuclear war.
But - I'd rather know the truth, even if he means war.
You would rather take the blue pill if that means no war, right? That's all, it's ok if we disagree, but I'd rather know the truth, no matter how bitter the pill.
Don't worry goy! Just keep trusting the plan!
Oh, please don't take to the streets and do anything about it! Trust the plan Goy.
Oh, don't worry about the child abuse! Trust the plan! No, don't worry about locking up the criminals - YOU HAVE TO TRUST THE PLAN.
Go pay your taxes goy! Trust the plan! WWGAWG1
Huh? I wasn't attacking you.. please don't be offended. I was just trying to demonstrate the difference of opinion. Please, feel free to express your own opinion.
I'd personally rather be in a war, knowing the truth, than to be peacefully lied to, and have no war.
That's all! Wasn't trying to insult you, please don't get offended.
Fine to disagree man, it's ok to have a difference of opinion, so glad you are expressing it, that's what this board is for.
I personally disagree. I want to see the truth revealed at ALL COSTS.
Otherwise, oppression never ends. This is a lesson from history.
Trump can't even remove RR or Mueller.
And you think Flynn will ever be allowed to tell his story!?!?! LOL
How long did Ryan get to control the house? LOL.
Do you really think they will ever allow Flynn to talk…. you must be new
Solid post anon.
Q is real, yes. But Q's job is to prevent you from killing those who oppress you.
I'm pissed about it too. Q was never our friend.
Welcome to reality.
Q's job is to make us so frustrated, that we just get tired and take the bluepill.
Q is very real - but his job is to keep you from rioting.
Just go back to sleep goy! WWGW1WA! Trust the plan. Just remember, don't do anything, and god forbid, don't you DARE go after child abusers!
Q's job is already over… it was to prevent us from rioting.
Everyone is already going back to sleep.
Ask yourself, how much time has Q wasted in your life? How many personal relationships have you lost since following Q?
Q is only here to make you frustrated. Yes, Q IS REAL, and it is military… it's job is to frustrate you.
Indeed. There is only 1 way all this ends.
Ironically, Q's plan is the opposite of ours.
Q is trying to PREVENT this ending.
We all know what we need to do.
Ask yourself, who's team is Q on?
BTWi don't Blame Q! Q is here to protect the nation…. but Q is here to stop us from rioting.
Ya! Just trust the plan goy!!! Go back to work! Pay your taxes! Ignore the child abusers tho, please, don't think too much, just trust the plan!
Epstein just get let off the hook dude…read the sentencing.