Canada is just a sad place of virtue signaling madness.
Dear lord. I'm one of the most politically incorrect people you'll meet. Truly a fuck your feelings kinda huMAN. it's a mix of being sick to death of these fuckers ruining our world and dropping truth bombs that make the idiots think.
Posobitch is pathetic. He and Cernocunt came up at the same time. Neither are legit.
Ask yourself, how they still have accounts.
-and a murderer
-a woman hater
-a philanderer
-a terrible fucking pilot who CRASHED his plane in Vietnam and that's where his stiff arm injuries came from
-a treasonous traitor of the U.S. who sold weapons to ISIS
Ect Ect!!
In other words…..SCARED SHITLESS
Something is definitely up today/tonight. No clue what. But seems there are attacks from all directions here, social media, fake news, never Trumpers, ect.
Sometimes countdowns aren't for us. Sometimes countdowns have meanings behind the scenes and did actually mean something to [[[them]]]. Just bc it isn't public yet, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Look around, everyone has lost their damn minds in the DS.