where is the blood or movement from the bodies as the "slug" hits them?
yall are looking too deep
no blood
where is the blood or movement from the bodies as the "slug" hits them?
yall are looking too deep
no blood
there were several plans in place "she thought" that would help her if she did not get the proper outcome. Let us start with rioting, then if that fails- fake alien invasion to render the polls useless.
>>A document released by the Benenson Strategy Group on behalf of the Clinton Foundation reveals that Hillary’s Presidential Campaign is in dire straits due to mistrust over mainstream media coverage and polling. The document analyses a number of salvage scenarios and recommends one called FIRESIGN which is a false flag extraterrestrial invasion using advanced holographic technology.
The seven page document is titled “Salvage Program” was written less than a week ago, and was leaked by Anonymous on October 18, in a video, and later made available through the Before Its News website which has a questionable reputation for releasing accurate information.
label it FAF. Fake As Fuck
Guaranteed worthless as used toilet paper
we already knew this.
my normie friend knew this
we were told by Q
multiple day false flag
good news is- fuckers had to order out on this one, exposed they are
Top kek!!
it was a straight up mother fucking gorillion, sorry for that
thank you!