Anonymous ID: 2c4ea2 March 20, 2019, 1:07 a.m. No.5786727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6732 >>6822 >>7150

Okay, lets type up some goodness. Everything I write here will; In the end, coincide into why I know

that Scalar Energy is the cure to everything.


Nikola Tesla is known to be the Father of Scalar Energy, because he was the first scientist to discover how to conduct the energy into an apparatus.


Before him, there was Koyzrev; Who invented the Giroscope that could see scalar energy. With this Giroscope he could tell the paths of the stars,

where they had formed and where they have been. Preliminary note, Scalar Energy is known as the prodominant energy of the universe, it resonates

off of every star, sun, and organism (Not yet sure if that includes Micro-Organisms)


Random piece of information, Scalar waves spiral outwards to a point, back inwards to where

they started, and stay wherever they've been. Kind of like the feelings you get in a place

where people were previously either very happy, or very sad.


What I offer is many pieces to this great picture, with many left to fill in; like sono-luminessence.


Lets start with organisms. As I'm sure you are aware the first seven cells that form in an organism

(Primordial cells) duplicate weaving the fibonacci sequence through all. What you may not know

is that those seven cells stay behind and become your seven Chakrahs. Also interpretable as the

seven Scalar resonaters of the body. Yes, you're chakras project your scalar resonance field. The

Torodial field. The Quantum field. In the nucleus, you'll find little indimishable balls of light in every

cell that are projecting the so called electron cloud inbetween the nucleus and the atom wall. Hence

my joke, its not that we can't find the electrons, its that their in a different dimension. The 4th,

where all creation spirals out from. #Kundalini

Anonymous ID: 2c4ea2 March 20, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.5786732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6822


Another interesting thing I noticed, was how Tesla conducts these waves. I must thank Thoth,

if it weren't for my reading of the Emerald Tablets 2 years ago, I think that this would've flew over

my head entirely. The net around the Wanderclyffe. They say Tesla realized how to direct these waves

by placing a net of perpendicular magnets and sparks around the accumulator. Thoth explained to me

that Woman moves in spirals, and Men move in right angles. He also stated that man would be wise

to find himself lost in the spiral, utalizing the right angle

only when necessary. Because moving in right angles can be potentially dangerous. I think this is a reference between the 3rd

and 4th dimension, although it must be subject to further interpretation. The 3rd dimension is practically

Completely composed of tetrahedrons. Right angles. Think birth. Think XX and XY. There is obviously

seperate realms of gender dominance at play here. Anyhow, Tesla built his perpendicular magnetic net

to send the scalar waves across right angles. He planted these nets on the ground because he believed

it to be a method of connection with the source. Leading me to believe the waves are caught in the net,

bouncing off the ground and or counterpart propulsion. With no real place to go except the accumulator.


To understand why and how these waves accumulate, I would suggest an introduction into the Rodin Coil,

Pythagorean infiniti, the circle in the square, and the energetic flow of a pyramid.

We can start with the secret of Pythagreus


A2 + B2 = C2 Drawn on paper created a perfect triangle replicating outwards for infiniti.


A Triangle is the only shape that can add or subtract sides in any of the first 3 (at least) dimensions

without becoming another shape. Add a side to a square or a circle, and it effectively becomes an

inevitable type of triangle. A Triangle with infinite sides becomes a circle. A triangle with no sides becomes

a line. Squares dissipate energy, Circles Resonate energy, and Triangles pinpoint energy into a beam.

Anonymous ID: 2c4ea2 March 20, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.5786734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6822

Pyramids starting to make a little more sense? Dropping a triangle into the second dimension, on any point

or at any level creates a triangle. The same with a circle. But a Square? Put that bitch on a point and drop it

into the 2nd dimension and damn. You've got a pentagram. Probably the only symbol Satan didn't steal and

take credit for, but thats up for debate. I believe its no accident that HPV and HIV are shaped like 3d pentagrams.

I do not believe Saturns 3d Pentram pole storm is a coincidence. I do not believe that it does not effect life here

on earth. Saturns rings are sound waves that formed some time after saturn did for whatever reason. I think

the storm and the rings are probably unanimous. Anyway, you remember the old saturian society of Baphomet

right? Everything is relevant. This is only a focused glimpse at the big picture.


Currently, I don't know why Tesla chose to place a Rodin coil ontop of his tower. It seems to me, after all the

evidence I've laid out here, that it would have incredible properties for storing Scalar Energy. Seeing as how

every other being including the planet chose to use this shape to store Scalar. I just realized that some- ()

times blood cells are depicted in the shape of rodin coils. Maybe the atom isn't circular. Originally, I thought

that the perfect way to store this energy would be a pyramid inside of a sphere. Now I'm not so sure.

Anyway, lets move on to my final point.

Anonymous ID: 2c4ea2 March 20, 2019, 1:09 a.m. No.5786736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6767 >>6860

DNA/DNI. For some reason. Probably holy shit just figured it out. Lmao I spent like 10 minutes Searx'ing

this question and poopf. There it is. Okay


DNA/DNI. It is the information transferred in deoxyribonucleic acid. Or DNA. Which I believe is called

deoxyribonucleic information. But fuck thats hard to verify with the internet. Probably why most

independants in my field seem to refer to it as DNA/DNI. The information thats specifically written

in the fibonacci spiral/sequence () Are you following along? Scalar reverse-decodes DNA-DNI

Probably in some variation of 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 0 or something. Still attempting to ascend

in my code knowledge. Having fun. Okay, so how do we get the DNA/DNI to the Scalar energy source?


Eaaaasy. Many ways to do such a thing. Let me tell you about it. If you place 2 tesla coils in the proper

apparatus, they will resonate. Remember the photos? NT always had 2 of them. What I'm thinking

is with two your creating a connection between two resonance fields. Practically, a field of space for

introducing influence. Lets cross over influences briefly and we'll be basically done.


Examplatory. Indubitably! Lets start crazy, and manuever to simple. Transmission Proton Hypograph ()

The Paladino method. Introduce a special print of real photo to the coiled resonance field. This appears

to be an effective method of transferring DNA/DNI information to a scalar source. Which doesn't surprise

me #Zero-point


Would you believe me if I told you estimating scalar at a billion times faster than the speed of light i.e.

Instancy might as well be the case? I mean times a billion as many times as you want. Tell me when you

get to infiniti. Anwyay, Lol oh wow. Anyway, I'm way off track now. Simple method.


Get some physical DNA. I already found a poisoned pathogen guy on quora lol. The spooky2 has an input method

of which I like. I believe it only involves one tesla coil. This coil is the input, you can drop anything on it; perferably

liquids. So lets say you drop the poisoned pathogen or MMS or you're own blood (probably your own blood) The

information is sent in numerical sequence to the 6.28 scale Wanderclyff mini inside box#1 and vualah. Now I

was about to continue the last step of understanding programming these devices when I realized that the tech had

gone commercial. So I skipped that part. What I do understand about it is that the 4th dimension is heavenly. Scalar

energy is creation. I do not think it could harm anybody. Although I do have theories related to Scalar 5g Conversion

Anonymous ID: 2c4ea2 March 20, 2019, 1:10 a.m. No.5786740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6822 >>6869

while keeping the Admonishments of the inventors of the Qube in mind as well as the knowledge of DARPA's 100g program.

So yeah. Future problems. All I see at the moment is The Great Awakening, Electromagnetized earth star wars and probably

new ass evil in a hundred years. I have no clue bro. But the point is; Scalar is inherantly good and at this interval I believe

that it will never fail to eradicate any negativitiy that currently exists in any format. Is Anti-matter somewhat ironic? Anyway again.

Programming (hypothetically) could be negative. But I seriously seriously doubt that. And furthermore, my own thought

stubbornly persists that Paladino exadgerated the comlicity of the patent he refuses to disclose. I think the Scalar programs

itself, contrary to the apparatus. That sounds so accurate in nature!


And 20 minute nap here I come