Leaked photo of Brad Parscale sex-tape still-shot.
Photo Credit: Kellyanne Conway
Leaked photo of Brad Parscale sex-tape still-shot.
Photo Credit: Kellyanne Conway
Also have to keep in mind that we have been informed that very little is "visible"… VERY little. Huge booms could happen on any given day, including yesterday, and it just happens behind the scenes and a "future proves past" drop or event shows us what happened.
>Something could have happened and we weren’t informed bc the media is comped as fuck
…That.. and because The Team planned this "movie" to awaken the public one "dot" at a time. Connecting the paths of corruption, painting the picture, filling in the blanks before all of the booms can be known. We are watching a movie. The Team doesnt want it to come out either….yet. Low and slow.