Anon ID: 4255bc Guide us Q March 20, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.5788249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8260 >>8270 >>8346 >>8347 >>8545 >>8703

Dear Q,


I'm sure many patriots around the world will agree.


We are researching all over the place, looking at things like


Moon Landings, Reptilians, Aliens, Bilderbergs, Demons, Angels, Bible, Jesus, GOD, Matrixes, Timelines, 911.


It gets tiring and we find ourselves exhausted.


We get that The news is corrupt. We get that there are many coverups and that 911 might be and others.


Can you at least tell us where not to look? Surely it wastes time if we are looking up reptilians and there are none.


Or is everything above true and we must just keep on looking?


Sometimes we just back off from all of this and get on with life.


This 99 percent of people would be in hospital thing is also very concerning. If people carry on with this researching of topics that don't lead anywhere then surely its not healthy.


We want to help and be a part of it, but it seems you mostly just give us vague court case type stuff. A picture here and there, yes we get that bugging and surveillance happened.


So is all the alien, reptilian, pleadian stuff real?


Or is this all just about a report to do with Russia and we should just wait for it to all come out and then its back to normal.


People out there are desperate and want cures for cancer, hidden technologies to improve life, excitement. We don't just want to work all day for 50 years and then 10 years of retirement then die.


There must be more.


We want to help, please direct us and show us where to look and what not to look at. If you know that is.

Anon ID: 4255bc March 20, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.5788373   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes I do, but I'm not in the hospital. So maybe I am the 1 percent that wont be in hospital. Okay maybe I was in hospital, but for another reason…

Okay I understand. Wow!