I think that the Clinton Foundation details are TOXIC. They will be so clearly linked to treason, bribery and sex trafficking that ever donor or partner will be smeared.
I think that the Clinton Foundation details are TOXIC. They will be so clearly linked to treason, bribery and sex trafficking that ever donor or partner will be smeared.
If this is now, then it is Southeast Asia far from Russia.
Just judging by climate/clothing
I searched Twitter for this hashtag since:2018-03-07 and the first post was The Silent Executioner, Jeff Sessions.
When Senators and Congressional reps see the support for IBOR on Twitter, some of them will step up with a Bill to make it so.
This is the way government works folks. First you get people on your side and make some noise, then politicians see this has traction and is not just a small group of noisy whackos, and then the politicians make new laws.
The people can engage with the politicians as the laws move through the legislative process to hone them, and then the President signs them.
If you have been following Q's drops it has been pretty clear that he wants the people to step up and take charge of the government. The people should be telling the government what to do. The politicians serve the people.
Those of us who have been around for a long time have noticed that corporations and their hired lobbyists have taken over government. Shove these people aside and talk to the politicians yourself. Every person has the right to phone or call their Congressional rep and Senator.
So do it.
It is embarrassing to watch these Q groupies with their tongues hanging out, asking him to think through every detail for them and spell it out. These are people who WANT TO BE SLAVES and they are only here because some famefag on Youtube convinced them that Q is the new god.
The revolution is about how government works. Now that We The People have access to the vastness of the Internet filled with information, we do not need anyone else to tell us how to think. We can do the research ourselves, talk it over with our neighbors and then phone or write letters to our Congressional Reps and Senators.
This is the MAGA World Order. Get used to it.
If you are not working at it, then you are not winning.
If you have never read anything about all the issues that are entangled with First Amendment rights and New Technologies, then you should. Here is one article from Fordham Law Review
https:// ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https:// www.google.ca/&httpsredir=1&article=3036&context=flr
After you read this you will understand by an actual IBOR could only be written by a lawyer who understands all the pitfalls of the wrong wording.
This doesn't mean that the people cannot participate in the process and sign off on the results. It just means that there is an important job here for lawyers to do.
This is one of the reasons to get DISCUSSION about an IBOR going on social media. Not blessing anybody's version of it, but to get people interested in doing the work needed to get a proper solution to the IBOR problem once and for all.