Christchurch timeline (GMT) and route
Friday, March 15th 2019
01:28 ahem thread supposedly started by Brenton Tarrent
01:33 Begins livestream. Driving from the parking lot of Schindler Lifts NZ
01:36 Stops at the side of the road on Deans Av. for a minute - 400 meters from the mosque
01:38 Arrives at Al Noor mosque on Deans Av.
01:40 Starts shooting
01:46 Leaves Al Noor presumably enroute to Linwood mosque
01:49 Sirens going opposite way
01:51 Livestream cuts off
01:55 Start of attack at Linwood mosque
02:01 Clock in aftermath video from Linwood
02:06 Earliest time for arrest (4,7km / 5 mins drive from Linwood mosque) at 180 Brougham St.
Schindler Lifts NZ - Christchurch, 20 Leslie Hills Dr, Riccarton
Temp stop:
Deans Ave, Christchurch Central
First attack:
Masjid Al Noor 101 Deans Ave, Riccarton
Video cuts off:
Bealey Ave (around no. 329), Christchurch Central
Second attack:
Linwood Masjid, 223A Linwood Ave, Linwood
180 Brougham St, Sydenham