In America, Russian is not such a common language to learn.
ABC agencies? Spies? "Secret Agents" pic related.
In America, Russian is not such a common language to learn.
ABC agencies? Spies? "Secret Agents" pic related.
>>5792112 Are "Stanley" and "Loretta" the same individual? Beyond that, we don't know who Hussein's parents really are, either the father or the mother.
I believe we are seeing a series of milestones that will occur in a specific sequence, one preceding another. The time intervals between the milestones are not cast in concrete. /ourguys/ have adaptability and flexibility built into the plan.
THEY are terrified. WE are winning.
We back you 100%, President Trump, and all those working for/with you to accomplish this historic transition and defeat of evil. You are in our prayers every day, and we are doing everything we can on this board to advance the cause.