Hey yeah! Stop trying to red pill people and answer their questions when they ask, “Why does Q predict this or that?” Future proves past? What happens when future doesn’t prove past? Make excuse.. let your loyal idiots say, “you misinterpreted!”
And when enough people fall away because the arrests still don’t happen by summer, what will you say? By fall? By the conventions? Can’t interfere with election! Hatch act! Oh. We lost the senate and presidency.. it’s ok.. we have yellow vests!
People are afraid because they haven’t been properly trained to have faith and pray.. not to a man.. but to the Creator!
Fuck Q.. Fuck MAGA.. Fuck the alliance…
As for me and my house, we will serve The Creator of All..
I will not put my trust in a man.. but I will walk in peace and love and by faith!
Why did Q post this today? Cuz he knows people are pissed nothing happened on 3/19.. it was reasonable expectation!
Have you experts on the Chans are nothing but MPCs .. your just MPCs on the right.. and you can’t think logically. Divided right down the middle is where are country is.. more divided then ever since civil war. Fucking psyop.