>eating babies/kids
Don't be a fucken idiot, newfag - none of that happened.
Up until yesterday, a "shill" was anyone who said there would be no public arrests of high level Democrats yesterday.
This is a Boomer board now, and a shill is anyone who upsets the Boomer's feelz.
Is there a reason for continuing to give us puzzles?
I don't think Q is intentionally a "distraction" but he/she would be helping POTUS more by asking anons to get off of this board and get to work in the real world - such as in the grassroots of their local Republican committee.
Start to set up primary challenges for 2020.
That seems waaaaay more important and useful than digging on obscure Q drops that are pointlessly obscure.
Kek, agreed.
If Q team had dropped some key info last election cycle it would have destroyed the Democrats.
Yah but it seems like the puzzles make anons spend a lot of time on little tasks that serve zero purpose.