How your U.S. Senators are elected…
Currently, U.S. Senators are chosen by popular vote in each state, but this was not always the way it was done.
"Senators were originally chosen by the State legislatures. This procedure was changed by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1913, which made the election of Senators a function of the people."
The U.S. Senate is now essentially chosen in each state by its largest cities. If you look at the maps, 8 states (AL, AZ, MI, MT, OH, PA, WI, WV) would potentially have 1 or 2 GOP senators as they have GOP majority legislatures, instead of Dems. It was an intentional move to water down the vote of the typically conservative, rural voter and hand the power over to the large, corrupt, liberal cities in each state. No one talks about this.
What else happened in 1913?
Think for yourself.