Prosecuting civilians in military courts works even better
I just took a survey from POTUS campaign and the question asked where I get my news from if not one of the major news outlets. My response was: Q Research
Didn't notice it was there. Thank you Anon
Fucking Donna the Water Buffalo on Fox again. This is going to be a daily dose of Dim retardedness. Gross
And we are going to watch where he runs to and send a drone right up his ass
Loses at least 4 planes, taken POW, sings like a bird, returns home, leaves wife and 3 kids, marries into millionaire very young woman's family, runs for office, Keating 5 scandal, involvement in much shady business while in Senate, tries to frame Trump, votes against repeal replace after campaigning for it for years. Yep, a real fucking hero. Rot in Hell you fucking traitor
ISIS is technically civilians, I guess
Q calls it again