@POTUS ‘s comments about McStain were about as unplanned as his “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm” remark. I think that @POTUS is starting the “Big Reveal” for the American People. He will control the news cycles with his comments. The MSM will HAVE to cover his extraordinary comments as they covered EVERYTHING he said towards the end of the 2016 Campaign. How else would he be able to get the MSM to carry his water? He is playing the Mockingbird MSM like a Stradivarius. The MSM is about to red-pill the World.
Come on, anon. This feud is just more Kabuki Theater to distract and sow confusion, like Bannon, Sessions, Mattis, Kelly, Mueller, etc. @POTUS and Team have been masterful at this.
I was just thinking that what Bannon pulled in Italy reminds me of the Allied Invasion of Italy in 1943. Bannon has since worked his way up into the heart of Europe and I wouldn’t doubt that he has been behind Italy’s attacks on Macron. The consolidation of the Yellow Vests and QAnon. I bet Bannon was at the God Emperor Trump parade in Italy.
That evil bastard sent the U.S. down a dark, nightmarish timeline, anons, beginning in 1963.
Disinfo. It’s all about the Pineal and release of DMT.