André Balazs, the owner of several luxury hotels, is accused of groping actress Amanda Anka, who is married to actor Jason Bateman, The New York Times reported Thursday. Balazs, who owns the Standard hotel chain and Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, allegedly reached under Anka’s skirt and grabbed her crotch while giving her and the cast of the film Horrible Bosses 2 a tour of his London hotel, the Chiltern, after the film’s premiere. Bateman reportedly confronted Balazs and spat gum in his face before the couple left the hotel. “On behalf of Jason Bateman and Amanda Anka, we can confirm that the account of André Balazs’s outrageous and vile behavior on that night in London is factual,” the couple’s publicist said in a statement. “His actions were dealt with at the time.” Several of Balazs’ former employees are also accusing him of sexual assault.